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Blue Rhino Fencing Services
in Vernon BC
Types of Fencing
Blue Rhino Fence Offers
Blue Rhino offers many types of fencing for individual homeowners and businesses in Vernon BC and the surrounding areas.
Blue Rhino Fence also welcomes any custom fencing project you can come up with, be it a spin off an existing Blue Rhino Fence project, a photo from Pinterest, or from your own imagination!
Get in touch with us today!
Residential Chain Link Fencing
Chain Link Fencing is the most traditionally used and arguably the longest lasting type of fence out there. This type of fence basically requires zero maintenance once it's up and it will last basically forever if nobody messes with it.
It's may not be the most aesthetically pleasing fence, but because it's cost effective and durable, it's the number one choice of most Canadians, for both Residential and Commercial fence applications. Plus, the black chain link fencing can actually look really sharp compared to its galvanized chain link counterpart, so many homeowners in Vernon BC and the North Okanagan still think it's nice looking enough to install it!
Corrugated Metal Fencing
Corrugated metal fencing (also called corrugated tin fencing) is a popular type of fencing here in Vernon and the rest of the North Okanagan, and for good reason!
Available in various fence heights, corrugated metal fencing is a fantastic way to obtain desired privacy while also giving your home a sleek, modern look with huge curb appeal . Add in the option of metal fence posts in various sizes and it makes corrugated metal fencing quite customizable and it looks amazing!
From commercial fencing to residential fences, corrugated metal fencing is a popular choice for homeowners, architects, and builders.
Since the long-lasting metal fence panels can be manufactured in a variety of lengths, corrugated metal fences offer not only privacy, but durability and longevity that other fencing materials (such as wood) simply can’t offer. As an added bonus, corrugated privacy fence panels are also able to withstand the test of time and harsh weather environments like the winter weather we get here in Vernon and the North Okanagan.
Fully customizable with a wide variety of colour options for single side applications. Corrugated fences also have a few dual sided colour options, such as charcoal on charcoal, black on black, white on white, or the classic galvanized on galvanized. You'll be amazed at how low maintenance and aesthetically pleasing your corrugated sheet metal fence will be!
Corrugated Metal on Wood Fencing
Corrugated metal on wood fencing brings a stylish and completely unique look to fencing options for Vernon BC residents and business owners.
While also available in varying heights and lengths, corrugated metal fencing mixed with wood ups the curb appeal of your home or business and turns heads. Customers tell us often how many compliments they get on their mixed metal and wood fences!
Mixed corrugated metal and wood fences are perfect for privacy and aesthetic on residential properties and they also up the professionalism of landscaped business fronts and patios. The patterns are, literally, endless when combining metal and wood and we love the amount of creativity that can go into these beauties.
Of course, the addition of wood means that the upkeep of the fence will be slightly more than a pure corrugated metal on metal or a chain link or ornamental iron fence, but we think the unique look of it is worth that yearly bit of maintenance.
Ornamental Iron Fences
Ornamental Iron Fences are classier than other fences and they give your yard that old-school "Wrought Iron look" without the hassle of maintenance. Ornamental Iron Fencing is known for good looks and, of course, a sense of security.
Ornamental Iron fences are typically a more expensive route, but totally worth it for anyone who wants their home to appear classy and appealing!
Ornamental Iron is also the strongest fence material around and has a high level of durability, which makes it able to survive severe weather, especially the kind we get here in Vernon BC and other parts of the Okanagan.
Ornamental Iron fences can outlast many other forms of fencing if they are properly protected and they have a sleek, sophisticated aesthetic that resembles wrought iron. As the name implies, this kind of fence offers a wide range of finishing options for completing its appearance and creating a focal point in your yard.
Vinyl Fencing
Choosing to go with vinyl fencing for your Vernon BC home will give you the ultimate sense of privacy with little to no maintenance! Made from PVC, vinyl fence material is easy to clean, needs very little maintenance, and sustains virtually zero damage or wear from the elements.
When Blue Rhino installs your vinyl fence, it will look much like wood paneling or rail fences, but without the worry of rot or high maintenance. Also, vinyl fencing is nearly 5 times stronger than wood and extremely flexible, which makes vinyl a great choice for fences in Vernon (with our changing weather conditions, such as strong winds, rain, snow and sun). We get all our vinyl fencing materials from a Canadian manufacturer, so they are built to withstand the extreme weather conditions we get in this area!
Vinyl Fencing can be cleaned easily with soap and water, which makes look brand new again, and you'll never have to paint or stain another fence again.